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Being Christ-like 5/12

Fear this, Satan 5/4

The call of Peter 4/27

Reach for him 4/17

Consider the Lilies 4/7

Hello.  My name is Dottie Freeman and I have no fancy titles or degrees, I am simply a blood bought saint like you.  God has recently called me to preach and I am willing to accept that call.  He has also provided this opportunity on this site to share the Good News about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

Consider the Lilies

With Easter just around the corner, the lilies are popping up all over sharing their beauty with us.  To me, lilies represent the new life we are given at the resurrection.  You see them every Easter all around, even in our church services.

Jesus talks about the lilies in the Word.  He compares them to us.  In Matthew 6:28-29 Jesus says during the Sermon on the Mount 

                                   Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not

                                neither do they spin; and yet I say unto you, that even Solomon

                                      in all his glory was nor arrayed like one of these.  KJV

What Jesus is saying is that we should never fret over things such as clothes or what to eat and drink.  These things are unimportant.  We should stop and "consider" or "think about" the lilies.  They don't worry about anything.  What they eat, drink or wear is unimportant to them.  King Solomon in all his glory was not clothed as beautifully as they are.  And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't He more surely care for you?  In verses 31-33 Jesus tells us to not worry at all about having enough food or clothing.  Our heavenly Father already knows perfectly well that we need them and He will give them to us if we give Him first place in our lives and live as he wants us to.  (Paraphrased).

The actual point of these passages is to not worry about tomorrow—tomorrow will worry about itself—IF YOU PUT HIM FIRST IN YOUR LIFE.

"How do you do that?" you ask.  God should come first in every area of your life.  He is to be praised in all things constantly, not just on Sunday morning.  He desires us to communicate with Him and praise Him daily.  Want to watch that hour long TV show every night?  Did you spend time with Him first? God showed me in my life very plainly that He desired that hour of my time.  I was literally addicted to an hour-long TV show that came on every night.  No matter where I was or what I was doing, I would make time to sit down and watch this show.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with this particular show other than it was a priority in my day.  Ouch!  Notice I said "was" and not "is."  Jesus very gently in His loving way showed me that He wanted that kind of priority in my life.  All I had to do was say, "Yes, Lord" and His desire was my desire.  By obeying Him and giving him that time, He became first in my life and I am being blessed beyond my imagination by Him in all areas of my life.

That is just a small example, but I bet you could look into areas of your own life and find idols that need to be plucked out of your life to make more room for spending time with God—in His Word, meditating on Him and His Word and prayer.  Just ask Him…He will lead you.  Oh, how he desires that intimate relationship with you.  Do you spend too much time relaxing watching television?  Do you spend too much time on the Internet surfing your way through the day looking for answers?  What about your hobbies—are they taking all your free time?  These things can get in the way of spending time with the Lord.  Please don't get me wrong, I am not saying that you are to spend all your free time in the Word or that television or hobbies are bad.  These things are only bad if they take the place of your relationship with God.  All it takes is your willingness to listen to Him in prayer and doing what He directs.  It is not hard at all.  Sometimes you have to make or will yourself to be obedient to Him, but you will find that very soon you are walking in His joy, peace and blessings, just by being with Him. 

The bottom line is to put Him first and sit back and "consider the lilies."  You need a miracle; He's there.  You do not have to worry over anything.  Just go to Him and you can be assured that He is listening.  As a matter of fact, He knows your need before you ever speak it, and He will be faithful to His Word to answer your prayer or perform that miracle.  Just look at the flowers and know that He is the Lord, your God and if He loves these little flowers so much to do all He does for them, He stands ready to do even more for you.  Try it!

I pray that you know the Lord and have that personal relationship He desires.  If you are questioning your salvation, go to the Salvation fish symbol and pray the prayer listed there and let Him have control of your life through the blood of Jesus Christ.                                                     Click here to go to that prayer.

Until next time, may the peace of the Lord rest upon you.

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