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Being Christ-like 5/12

Fear this, Satan 5/4

The call of Peter 4/27

Reach for him 4/17

Consider the Lilies 4/7



I want to talk to you today about fear.  The Word discusses fear in many ways and in many different situations.  I want to talk about daily fear, irrational fear and deadly fear that Christians are gripped with on a daily basis.  The "what ifs" can be disastrous.  What if he doesn't love me?  What if I get fired?  What if this plane crashes?  What if I die?  What if I have a heart attack?  What if, what if, what if.

This is a subject on which I happen to be an expert.  I was the Queen of Fear.  Notice I said, "was."  Praise God, I have been delivered!  But let me tell you, I was in a living nightmare for almost 10 years.  I was finally diagnosed with Panic Disorder/Anxiety Disorder.  I didn't know what the name of this demon was, but I knew I was afraid of everything.  I was afraid to be alone. I was afraid of crowds.  I was afraid to drive at times.  I was afraid that the next breath could be my last and that someone else would be raising my three children.  I was even afraid to sit in the front at church.  Someone may block the door and I might not be able to get outside for air if I stopped breathing.  I was afraid to eat.  I was afraid to sleep.  I am not exaggerating.   I am talking about irrational fear.  Fear that I could not understand.  Fear that came from out of nowhere when I least expected it.  I was almost to the point of being homebound.  I was convinced that I was only safe if I was at home with my husband. 

I was a Christian at the time.  I'm talking blood bought and sold out.  However, I was a baby Christian and had not learned how much power I have through the blood of Jesus.    This all started with health problems.  I ruptured a disk in my neck requiring surgery and fusion.  Nine months to the day later, I underwent surgery for cancer.  Six months later I had to undergo an additional surgery because the cancer returned.  All this time I was coping with two new babies at home and a full time job.   Something inside me just went haywire.  Out of the blue, I was afraid of everything.  After all the health problems, I was especially afraid to go to the doctor.   I knew I was dying.  I was convinced of it.  

I prayed and prayed and went from doctor to doctor.  I finally ended up on tranquilizers and was able to function outside of my home.  I was on tranquilizers for many years.  That was the only relief I could find.   I almost turned my back on God.  I thought he was failing me.  THEN I LEARNED WHO I AM IN JESUS CHRIST and realized how strong my enemy can be.... if I allowed him a stronghold in my life.  Satan doesn't like Christians and he especially doesn't like baby Christians.  He is robbed of your soul when you accept the Truth, and he will do anything to take your eyes off Jesus. I did not fully realize this at the time.  I think this is a great problem with Christians today.  They get led to the cross and think that all is well.  Then the first time Satan rears his pointy little head…BOOM…they're not equipped to handle it.  Sure, the preacher talks about it and tries to teach you the way to walk, but if you don't get it deep down in your spirit, it gets plucked out and you are left defenseless.  You just don't know what to do.  Trouble comes, call the preacher.   You've got to get into the Word, spend time with the Lord and get to know Him and his ways.  You can't sit in church daydreaming about what's for lunch when he is trying to teach you and then go home and throw the Bible on the table until next Sunday.  That is where I was.  I am ashamed of that.

That is not where I stayed.  Bless the name of Jesus!  I know who I am.  I am bought with a price.  The life's blood of Jesus fell to the ground for me.  There is power in that blood.   Power over all sin, sickness and death and especially the enemy.

Once you get a grip on this picture, it will change your life.  Don't ignore the devil thinking he will leave you alone.  It won't happen.  He loves your misery.  It makes me MAD when he messes with my family or me.  I come against him with all the power and authority given to me through the blood of Jesus to keep his knotty little hands bound.  I speak to him on a daily basis.  I remind him that I belong to Jesus, that I am covered with THE Blood and filled with THE Light and I COMMAND him to be gone.  The Word says to submit yourselves to God and resist the devil and he will flee. (James 4:7).  I resist him at every turn and always remind him of his future, and guess what?  He is powerless in my life.  He is bound and crippled, because greater is He who is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).

You must learn to use that inner power you have been given over Satan.  Spend time with the Lord, stay in His word and put on the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) every day and you will walk in victory over the devil.

I lay hands on my children every morning before they leave for school and pray the blood of Jesus over them.  I lay hands on my husband and he lays hands on me.  We stand united in our fight and we refuse to let Satan steal from us.  I especially refuse to be afraid of anything.  No longer am I gripped by any kind of fear. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13)! I am here to tell you that I have experienced victory over this thing.  The doctors couldn't do it.  The pastor couldn't do it for me.  It took me getting into the right place with Jesus and learning exactly who I am in Him and walking in it daily.  God's Word says that no weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).  Now, therefore, Satan and all his demons are under my feet and powerless. 

This is a very short version of a decade of my life and I could go on and on for days about the horrors I experienced but I refuse to do that.  I just want to remember enough of it to remind me how far I have come through the blood of Jesus.  But I refuse to dwell on all the horrors of the past and walk on with Jesus. 

Let me leave you now with a very simple, but powerful scripture. 

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed,

For I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you;

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

(Isaiah 41:10, NIV).

If you are experiencing any kind of fear over anything--it does not matter what—bind Satan from your life and pray this scripture to God.  He loves to hear His Word coming out of your mouth.  The spoken word is powerful.  Just go to Him and say, "God, your Word says that I am not to fear for you are with me and that You will strengthen and help me.  Lord, give me a vision of being in Your righteous right hand."  Do it now and feel God's peace flow through you.

There are many, many other scriptures dealing with fear.  If the Lord leads, I may share more of them with you next time.  However, if you need prayer or someone to agree with you concerning fear, please contact me at  I will pray for you the moment I get the e-mail and I will add you to my prayer list.  To God be the glory.

